To utilize asset or equipment in a very effective way maintenance activity is very essential. According to its nature activity there are several different types of maintenance performed in various organization weather it is manufacturing, services or production. Now a day’s total productive maintenance is a very famous concept that implemented in various industries across globe for improving asset performance as well as asset life cycle. Majority of industries separate maintenance department available for repair asset on timely basis to minimize equipment downtime & improve overall productivity.
But total productive maintenance suggests to involve ground level staff for maintaining asset, because equipment operators are very well aware about what are problems equipment is facing during its performance.
Broadly, maintenance types are divided into two categories, preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance and each individual category having different types as per mention below.

Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance is a proactive approach category of maintenance types. Basically preventive maintenance focused to identify possibilities of equipment failure and correct before equipment is fail. Preventive maintenance follows the different criteria for maintenance procedure, that are clearly describe based on different subtypes of preventive maintenance as per mention below.
Time-Based Maintenance: – For preventive maintenance one of the very simple way is to time-based maintenance. Those industries are initially start implementing preventive maintenance concept they are generally start with time-based maintenance. Time-based maintenance follows the fixed interval of time for equipment maintenance such as once in a twice week, monthly, once in a three month etc. In time-based maintenance basically follows the routine check list and general services of equipment as well as also resolve the major issues for equipment performance.
Condition-based maintenance: – Condition-based maintenance focused to set frequency of maintenance based on the equipment performance conditions. Generally, equipment’s condition is varying (better to poor) based on equipment’s working hours. In another scenario condition-based maintenance schedule developed based on taking feedback of equipment operator as well as checking the equipment breakdown data. Sometimes also taking decision based on abnormalities identifications. Condition-based maintenance is also follow the proactive approach for equipment maintenance.
Failure Finding Maintenance: – Failure finding maintenance focused on to identify hidden failures of equipment’s. Sometimes operator’s facing repetitive issues regarding equipment’s breakdown and they are not able to identify the issues, so in that case management plan failure finding maintenance. In failure finding maintenance skill maintenance employees are essential for identify solution of hidden problems based on root cause analysis.
Risk Based Maintenance: – Risk-based maintenance is mainly performed based on risk assessment of equipment. Risk assessment is carried out based on assessment check list. Equipment’s found high risk numbers, that means higher possibilities for equipment breakdown. Frequency of equipment breakdown is also play a vital role for risk assessment.
Predictive Maintenance: – Predictive maintenance is an advance version of condition-based maintenance. In condition-based maintenance check the equipment condition based on the operator’s feedback and operator check condition based on machine performance. Predictive maintenance mainly follows the approach of artificial intelligence and industrial internet of things. Predictive maintenance taking decision based on various data sources & numbers of sensors used to generate data related to equipment performance.
Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is a reactive approach category of maintenance types. Corrective maintenance taking action after equipment breakdown happened. Corrective maintenance categorized into two parts as per mention below.
Reactive / Breakdown / Emergency Maintenance: – Breakdown maintenance mainly focused on to repair activity and its action start after machine is not able to running condition. Breakdown maintenance time is very difficult to predict. When organization is analyzing the finance point of view emergency breakdown cost is to high compare to preventive maintenance types. For operational point of time loss due to maintenance also one of the biggest waste consider as per lean manufacturing guide lines. Its also impact on operational scheduling.
Deferred Corrective Maintenance: – Deferred corrective maintenance is similar to emergency or breakdown maintenance but only difference is to deferred corrective maintenance plan emergency activities into upcoming days. In this maintenance types operational scheduling is less hamper due to divide maintenance tasks completion in upcoming days. Critical maintenance focused on to complete emergency mode so at least equipment is able to perform operationally and minimize variations of operation scheduling.