The operation process chart & flow process chart is basically a tool for method study. To implement the lean manufacturing concept & its tools like kaizen, 6 ‘S’, SMED, OEE, VSM, and poka-yoke the basic requirement is to know & understand the basic process. OPC & FPC can help to understand the process & identify the scope for improvement in each process.
What do you learn from this article?
- What is OPC & FPC?
- What are the symbols used in OPC & FPC?
- What are the types of flow process charts?
- Practical Examples of OPC & FPC.
- OPC & FPC study.
- Structural 7 steps to practically implement OPC & FPC?
Operation Process Chart (OPC)
The operation process chart is a basic & easy to implement tool of method study. The operation process chart helps to understand the process overview of the shop floor, optimize processes as well as improve plant layout. OPC is a useful tool during lean manufacturing implementation. It is also called an outline process chart. Many small-scale industries operate multiple products as well as their assembly, in that case, OPC is very important to represent process sequencing.
What are the symbols used in the OPC chart?
There are basic three symbols used in the operation process chart as per mention below & review the attached image for its name & description.

Now, after a basic understanding of symbols & its description understands practical examples to implement an operation process chart in any organization.
XYZ is a small-scale manufacturing organization & producing one product. Three different components are required to produce a product & review the attached to each product manufacturing steps as per listed below. To make the final product A, B & C component is required.
Product – A – Process Sequencing
- Inspection of raw material.
- Rod cutting operation.
- Threading Operation on the rod.
- Final inspection of Rod.
Product – B – Process Sequencing
- Inspection of raw material.
- Grinding of the plate.
- Notch cutting of plate.
- Punching of the plate.
- Final inspection of the plate.
Product – C – Process Sequencing
- Cutting process & inspection of raw material.
- Grinding process.
- Inspection of cutting & grinding.
- Drilling process.
- Boring process.
- Inspection of drilling & boring process.
- Assembly of product B process.
- Heat treatment process.
- Inspection of products B & C.
- Assembly of Product A.
- Final Inspection of product.
- Packing of product.

Conclusion of Example: –
Review the left side symbols of total count on the operation process chart is noted total activity counted as per mention below.
No. of operation – 12
No. of inspection – 8
No. of combined activity – 1
Now, the important task is reducing the number of total activities in the operation process chart. Make a plan for small – small internal improvements & plan to reduce the number of activities to optimize processes. Identify possibilities to combine activities, reduce activity’s timing or eliminate activities.
Procedure for OPC chart preparation.
- OPC charts generally start with the right side & ensure max activity product is first put into the right side.
- Basically, 3 symbols are used in the operation process chart as per mention in the image & connected each symbol with vertical flow lines.
- Individually activity wise mention process description.
- Mention activity cycle time with operation symbols, if required.
- Mention sequence no based on symbol wise. End of chart completion we will easily be able to countable the total no of operations.
Flow Process Chart (FPC)
A flow process chart is a tool of method study and an extended version of the operation process chart. This chart helps to study the current process in more detail. It is also useful to minimize process waste as well as optimize processes. A flow process chart is basically described operational activity in a line form.
What are the symbols used in the flow process chart.?
There are six types of symbols used in the flow process chart. The basic three symbols repeat of operation process chart & added three new symbols in FPC. Review the attached photograph for a better understanding of symbols, its name, and its description. All the symbols designed in the flow process chart are based on including man, machine as well as material. Not necessary to all symbols used in each category of the flow process chart, categorized all symbols based on your requirements.

What are the types of flow process charts?
There are three types of flow process charts as per listed below.
- Man-type flow process chart.
- Machine or Equipment type flow process chart.
- Material type flow process chart.
Before going to understand each flow process chart in detail, review the attached basic format used in the flow process chart study.

1. Man-type flow process chart.
Man type flow process chart is representing the study of manpower. It records activities of manpower to be performed during working time. It is better to analyze each activity of manpower with the help of a flow process chart. Man type of flow process chart is used in industries processes and also in service sectors. Where you require to monitor the performance of manpower based on time and distance category wise you can conduct the study of the flow process chart.
Review the attached example of the man-type flow process chart and also mention time and distance with respect to each activity. In the footer mention the total time, distance covered & no of counted symbol stages.
An example mentioned below is manpower working in a retail shop & provide services to different customers based on product selling.

2. Machine or equipment type flow process chart.
A machine-type flow process chart is representing the activities of the machine or equipment to be performed. It records individual activity to be performed by machine or equipment.
An example mentioned below is the study of machines & categorized into different symbols.

3. Material type flow process chart.
Material type flow process chart is representing each activity of material in 6 symbols mode. It is better to identify material movement, material processing stage & material in temporary or permanent storage condition.
Review the attached example mentioned below for the study of material in a factory.

Now, we understood the basics of the current process captured on the flow process chart, but our aim is to improve the process based on the current process study. Now we are going to review the conclusion summary & how we put current & targeted data to improve the process.

Review the attached summary & after studying the flow process chart fill current status of the process. The main value addition part of all symbol categories is operation & combined activity operation as well as inspection. Identify improvement opportunities from transportation, delay, storage & only inspection category.

Great explanatiom!