Kaizen is a Japanese word & its meaning in English is a continuous improvement as well as one of the lean manufacturing tools. Now a day’s kaizen implements in every sector either in the manufacturing or the service sector. Kaizen suggests not only big improvements or transformational changes but initially starts with small-small changes. Recording each improvement in a structural way for future learning perspective.
To implement lean manufacturing first basic step is the 6 ‘S’ Methodology and the second tool to start the initial level is the Kaizen methodology for small – small improvements in routine. Poka-yoke is also one of the approaches to improve processes by reducing errors in the system.
In this article what did you learn?
- Basic History.
- What is kaizen & its type?
- What are the parameters included to develop kaizen?
- Practical implementation steps of kaizen.
- Format of kaizen.
- Steps to fill kaizen template.
- Key benefits to implementing kaizen.

One of the important aspects of kaizen is easy to implement, just changes people’s mindset & thinking towards continuous improvement or change for the better. Initially, whenever start kaizen implementation many people fill out the kaizen form & came up with small improvements. People are not looking to change for a better point of view or no key benefits will be visible with small changes. Whenever you start to implement kaizen start thinking from a process improvement perspective.
History of kaizen
Father of kaizen: – Masaki Imai
Originated In: – Japan after world war –II, 1986
Kaizen is divided into two types in a broader view.
- Point Kaizen –It happened quickly & usually without much planning. Point kaizen is a small improvement done in routine work. like small workplace improvements, basic safety practices improved, basic ergonomic posture improved and small design changes with regular elements to reduce fatigue. Point kaizen is done without much planning. Point kaizen that to be done during the normal working time – just idea click in mind & implemented in system or processes.
- System Kaizen – system kaizen is an upper-level strategic planning method with a short period of time. Plan for productivity improvement exercise, plan for changeover reduction exercise, plan for cost optimization, plan for process standardization, etc. System kaizen follows a top-down approach, improvement approach starts with top management.
After a basic understanding of what is kaizen, kaizen types & the history of kaizen. Now jump to understand what are the key important parameters to know for preparing a kaizen sheet.

Is not necessary to require the above parameters to prepare the kaizen sheet. The important parameter is tried to fill the majority of content in the sheet for learners easily understand the basic purpose, solution & key benefits of implemented kaizen.
Basic sequential steps for kaizen implementation.
- Developed a kaizen steering committee.
- Kaizen training – plan kaizen training sessions for worker & staff awareness.
- Zone Identification – internal zone identification based department wise & decide area owner as well as active team members to participate in kaizen activities on regular basis.
- Monthly review plan –kaizen review plan on a fixed date & time on a monthly basis. During that day review each & every kaizen developed within the month.
- Kaizen evaluation – during the monthly review each & every kaizen is evaluated by jury members & gives a score to the kaizen.
- Kaizen reward & recognition plan – on a monthly basis plan to give rewards to the best kaizen. If you plan kaizen rewards & recognition in a structural way then workers & staff will be motivated by rewards. There is more possibility to generate more ideas with motivated people towards a continuous improvement journey.
- Kaizen display board – plan to display the best kaizen implemented in the kaizen board. Also attached total kaizen collection record as well as the kaizen sustainability record.

Review below attached important guideline to fill kaizen format.
- Kaizen no – kaizen no is designed based on (Kaizen/P/09/22) / initially mention kaizen name / 1st word of kaizen category + kaizen implemented month/kaizen implemented year.
- Mention the department name & specific area or workstation name where kaizen is implemented.
- Kaizen category (PQCDSM) à (productivity/quality/cost/delivery/safety/morale)
- Mention the key objective to do kaizen.
- In the majority of cases try to add photographs for better visualization & clearly describe the problem & solution.
- Horizontal deployment is basically the scope for implementing the same kaizen principle & methodology in another area or workstation. If the scope is available tick yes otherwise tick no.
- Mention certain steps to be followed for standardizing or sustaining kaizen like a month-on-month basis review planning, training & awareness for a new process developed.
- Tick mark on kaizen participated worker or staff, in this category you can choose both options as well.
- New breakthrough idea – It includes not using old ideas of kaizen & principles from previous kaizen implemented.
- Idea based on old kaizen – it means taking an idea from old kaizen or minor addition to the old kaizen solution principle & with the same principle implemented in other areas.
- Then the main part of kaizen is to mention what are the cost incurred to implement kaizen & list what are the tangible & intangible benefits of kaizen (if possible please add financial benefits)
Benefits of kaizen implementation.
- Waste eliminates or reduces & improves productivity.
- Increases in people’s morale.
- Improved competitiveness.
- People’s attitude towards problem-solving.
- People’s communication improved.
- People start thinking out of the box.