The main purpose of live life for everyone is fulfil dreams and achieve what people want. So, for fulfilling people dreams and wants, there is a structural management process for goal setting that very much helpful to achieve the desired outcomes either it is personal or professional. First of all, we are able to understand how to decide goal statement in professional as well as personal aspect. Majority of successful people focused on to doing efforts today what they achieve in the future as per individual goal statement. Review the content below, what we are trying to understand in this article.
- What are the question you require to ask yourself for deciding goal statement?
- Importance of goal setting in life.
- Three important steps for achieve the goal.
- Important parameters that can help you to decide goal.
- Which type of goal you decide.
- Sequential mistake that people doing for achieving goal.
- 7 Important steps for goal setting and execution.
- Download the Master Template for goal setting.
What are the question you require to ask yourself for deciding goal statement?
In deciding the goal statements certain questions, you require to ask yourself for personal aspect as well as for professional as per mention below.
Personal aspect
For personal aspect understand your inner voice and ask few questions as per mention below.
- what are the things done to make you happy or your personal satisfaction? (If possible make list down all the activities that makes you happy. Ex. Help poor families, buy a dream car etc.)
- what you want to achieve in life for yourself and others?
Professional aspect
For professional aspect can be categorized into two parts first, your individual departmental achievement and second, take reference of management guidance and information. Review the questions below for deciding the professional goal.
- What you want to achieve as an individual?
- What you want to achieve by management guidance?
- What are the things you done to improve business or departmental performance?
Importance of goal setting in life
Try to understand for achieving personal as well as professional success, efforts direction is very much important. The goal statement is very much help to maintain your efforts in right directions. Let’s understand human brain generate multiple thoughts per day, weather it is work related or it is family or personal life. The goal statement helps you to concentrate your multiple thoughts towards aligning goal. In 7 habits of highly effective people book, 2nd habit written by author is to begin with the end in mind, it means what are the efforts or things you done today try to think what its effects in the future. So, if you want to achieve something in future, now your direction and efforts towards goal is very much important.
Three important steps for achieve the goal.
- Set the goal. (what you want in personal as well as professional)
- Continuously doing efforts for achieve the goal.
- Measure & Monitor goal performance on continuously basis and change effort direction, if targeted result not achieved.
- Decide the goal in a such a way that able to leave out of your comfort zone.
- Decide the goal in a such a way that able to stretch you.
- Decide the goal in a such a way that able to pain you.
Important parameters that can help you to decide goal.
Majority of normal people are able to decide the goal on routine task. So, basically try to understand your routine task as well as minor internal improvements you plan as a personal as well as professional is not the goal review important three statements that can help you for deciding the goal statement.
During journey of achieving goals you learn lots of new things as well as take the help of experts. Also during the journey there are lots of challenges, critical task that you require to perform but the end result is phenomenal and remarkable.
Which type of goal you decide.
- Able to leave out of your comfort zone.
- Able to stretch you.
- Able to pain you.
What are the sequential mistake where people are doing while achieving goal?

- Majority of people are basically doing to focused on problems or concerns are occurred during achieving goal and forgot the goal they decided in past. Now what people require to actually doing is to focused on goal rather than problems of concerns.
- People are deciding the goal either professional or personal and start work on to achieve the decided goal and they feel so many concerns or problems to achieve the goal and they are trying to change the goal. Now in recommending part is to focused on change the strategy to achieve the goal rather than finding different goals and little bit working on each goals.
7 Important steps for goal setting and execution.
- Decide the goal statement you want to achieve in your lifespan.
- Convert generalized goal statement to SMART goal statement.
- Convert your major goal into different sub-activities (KPIs).
- Plan execution of sub activities in your goal.
- Developed scoreboard to monitor daily or weekly performance of goal.
- Analyze the variation in the planned activity and improve the process.
- Change the execution strategy, if problems or concerns facing.
In this article we learn a lot of how to set the goal and what are the different activities come into picture during goal setting. For individual sub-activity detail planning Gantt Chart is very much helpful to measure and monitor goal progress in an effective way.