6 ‘S’ Audit is a tool to review the performance of 6 ‘S’ implementation. Sustainability is a very important parameter to implementing lean manufacturing tools in any organization. To achieve a higher sustainability score audit is a mandatory requirement for any concept or new tool implementation.
Before you conduct an audit of 6 ‘S’. you need to understand what is 6 ‘S’ is and the basic awareness required of workers as well as staff of any organization. Review the article on 6 ‘S’ Implementation for basic understanding.
In this article, I mention several audit points for each stage of 6 ‘S’ based on considering the overall possibility for audit criteria. You can choose selected audit criteria based on your organizational requirements. Now, review the attached approximate 60 audit points for 6 ‘S’ Implementation.
- Practical Audit steps to implement each ‘S’
Practical audit steps to implement 1 ‘S’ – Sorting stage.
- Ensure necessary item list availability with item quantity. (Workstation / Area Wise)
- Check the availability of unwanted items at the workstation. (equipment/parts/tools / stationary / any miscellaneous Item)
- Check needed & not needed items are kept separate. (if available at workstation)
- Check our wise or common red tag zone availability.
- Check the red tag item register. (month-wise)
- Check the red tag attached to the item.
- Check if the necessary items are missing at the workstation.
- Random check process of periodically removing unwanted items. (celebrate red day)
Review the attached audit list of the sorting stage mentioned below.

Practical audit steps to implement 2 ‘S’ – set in order stage.
- Ensure proper identify the fixed location of the necessary items.
- Ensure properly fixed quantity availability of a necessary item.
- Check document availability of necessary item location & material location. (Workstation / Area Wise)
- Verify nameplate availability of types of equipment with its capacity.
- Check no items or tools are available on the floor.
- Ensure labeling of needed items.
- Check the visibility of floor marking as per ANSI standards.
- Check the proper space availability of the walkway without any obstacles.
- Ensure SOP & work instruction display. (area/workstation wise)
- Random check as per 48 Hours rule, any extra item available at the workstation.
- Check permanent space identification for movable equipment.
- Ensure hazardous area has proper color coding.
- Random check items or necessary tools are put in a decided area after use.
- Check visual indicators availability at the workplace.
- Check motion and search waste to be properly managed at the workstation.
Review the below-attached audit points in the set-in-order stage.

Practical audit steps to implement 3 ‘S’ – shine stage.
- Ensure the floor is properly clean. (no availability of oil, dirt, dust, scrapped items, tools, etc.)
- Check equipment & tools surfaces to be properly clean.
- Check no availability of scrap, bullets, chips & miscellaneous items.
- Ensure cleaning checklist availability. (daily / once in two days / weekly)
- Random check any scope to identify the source of contamination.
- Check dustbin availability at the workstation.
- Check cleaning equipment is put in identified place.
- Check any scope in the night shift with insufficient lighting.
- Ensure if Equipment’s to be dirty – painted Equipments & Needed Tools. (identified dirty, dangerous, and difficult places)
- Randomly check dustbin cleaning schedule is well maintained.
Review the attached audit points for the shining stage.

Practical audit steps to implement 4 ‘S’ – standardize stage.
- Ensure the document is perfectly maintained (necessary item list, red tag register, frequency table, cleaning checklist, etc.)
- Check the availability of the 5 ‘S’ map. (area/workstation wise)
- Check any abnormalities identified at the workstation.
- Ensure just-in-time concept applied in Workstation.
- Ensure techniques of eliminating tools can be used at the workstation.
- Check awareness of checklist understandability.
- Ensure KPI is updated periodically basis.
- Randomly check the display board to be perfectly maintained with no dirty condition.
- Check 5 ‘S’ standards are clearly displayed.
- If work is complete visual management tools are properly identified.
- Check, any document availability of process standardizes. (OPL, work to be well performed as per schedule)
Review the attached Audit points for the process standardization stage as per mention below.

Practical audit steps to implement 5 ‘S’ – sustain stage.
- Check 5 ‘S’ awareness at the workstation. (employees/staff)
- Ensure improvement in the existing system is noted & implemented.
- Check periodically 5 ‘S’ audit will be planned & check record.
- Check major deviation in the above 4 ‘S’.
- Ensure everyone is involved in the improvement activities.
- Check 5 ‘S’ documentation is perfectly maintained.
- 5 ‘S’ auditor came regularly as per schedule.
Review the attached audit points for sustain stage.

Practical audit steps to implement 6 ‘S’ – safety stage.
- Check any fire extinguisher available at the workstation. (check date expire or not)
- Ensure the floor is properly clean without any obstacles. (check oil & slipping liquid lying on the floor)
- Ensure the PPE of workers & staff.
- Random check on a daily basis for near misses & accident graph updated (area/workstation wise)
- Check fixed Equipment & stand foundation bolts are perfectly maintained.
- Check electric cable & its conditions are perfectly maintained. (check plug/socket / electrical panel to be in ok condition)
- Ensure any hazardous chemicals are perfectly stored on the floor.
- Check proper labeling of emergency exits, assembly points, hazardous areas, walkway areas, material movement areas, chemical storage areas, etc.
- Random check guard availability of rotating parts of machines & Equipment.
Review the attached audit points for safety as per mention below.

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Great Work.